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Should you have a safeguarding concern/query you can direct this, preferably by email, to:

Mrs H Duffield – Designated Safeguarding Lead – hd@bwh.staffs.sch.uk

Mrs S Readyhough - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - sre@bwh.staffs.sch.uk 

Mrs E Deakin - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - sbm@bwh.staffs.sch.uk

Mrs O Andrews - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - oa@bwh.staffs.sch.uk 


To view all policies relating to Safeguarding, please visit our policies page

You can view the Working together to Safeguard Children 2023 statutory guidance here

My Voice

Students worries, thoughts and concerns about themselves and those around them are so important.  We are here to listen to what they say.  MyVoice makes sure that they are always heard.






Information for parents

 Home or Out Alone Leaflet

External Support

Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service - 0300 111 8007

We are a county-wide telephone and web enquiry service for all children who:

  • Live in Staffordshire.
  • Are aged from pre-birth to 18 years old.
  • Do not currently have an allocated worker.

Have you got a serious concern about the safety of a child or young person up to the age of 18?

Do you think a child or young person is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed?

Are you worried that a child is living in circumstances where they are treated badly and not cared for properly?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions and you don’t believe that the child or young person is being supported by an allocated worker, please contact Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support (SCAS) immediately.

If you believe the child to be at risk of immediate harm, this must be reported to the police on 999 or 101.

Child Line – 0800 1111.

Information for students

Click here for student information.