Reading Support
How you can support your child reading?
Reading interventions.
We complete biannual reading tests for all students in Y7-10 to assess and monitor student reading ages. We use the TES reading test to capture students’ reading ages. We then supplement this with the NGRT diagnostic reading test for anyone whose reading age is two or more years below their chronological age; this is used to inform our intervention strategies. Effective reading interventions provide a meticulously planned approach to accelerating pupils’ reading ability.
Our current interventions include:
Lexia PowerUp Literacy targets Key Stage 3 pupils who need support with the basic reading, academic vocabulary and comprehension . It develops skills to comprehend, analyse, evaluate, and compare increasingly complex literary and informational texts by blending online student-driven explicit instruction with offline teacher-delivered lessons and activities. Initially the programme assesses students’ reading abilities and automatically places them at the appropriate level in 3 Study Strands:
· Word study – targets gaps in basic reading skills and develops academic vocabulary.
· Grammar – improves written composition and reading comprehension.
· Comprehension– teaches the skills required for higher order text analysis.
Once placed, students work independently on each strand where they can monitor progress on their personal dashboard.
Phonics Intervention
Guided Reading
Guided reading is a small group intervention led by one of our expert teaching assistants. It allows students to practice reading and collaboratively build meaning through discussion. Guided reading focuses on developing inference as the gateway to comprehension success.
Dyslexia tuition