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Blessed William Howard had an Ofsted inspection on 21/22 May 2024.  


"There has been no change to this school's overall judgement of good as a result of this ungraded (section 8) inspection. However, the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now. The school's next inspection will be a graded inspection."

Read the full report here



Blessed William Howard Catholic High School has been judged to be a ‘Good’ school by Ofsted.

The school has been through a period of rapid change, becoming part of The Painsley Catholic Academy and appointing a new Principal.  There have been significant changes to the structure of the senior leadership team and new policies implemented to ensure that Blessed William Howard is moving towards being an outstanding school.  The latest Ofsted inspection report highlights the excellent progress at Blessed William Howard.

Recognising improvements in student behaviour and an ongoing commitment to raising academic standards, the report states: “There is clear evidence that pupils make more progress and that their behaviour has improved……..The vast majority of pupils enjoy school and come across as happy, confident and considerate.” The report continues, “Your (the school’s) focus on establishing a culture of high expectations and pursuit of academic excellence is having a positive impact on the quality of teaching and the attitudes to learning of pupils……Teaching is well structured and focused on supporting the progress of all pupils.”

Full details below.



School Ofsted Inspection Reports.

School Performance Tables.

Schools Financial Benchmarking



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