My First Day
Term starts on Tuesday 5th September 2024
What happens on my first day?
We know that your first day at high school in September can be both exciting and nerve-wracking! That's why we have put together this area of our website to help you get to know your new school well before arriving in September.
When you arrive at school (between 8.30am and 8.35am) you will need to go to the main playground. Here, you will be met by Mr Burton (Head of Y7), Mrs Deakin and your form tutors.
There will then be a welcome assembly from the school Principal, Mr Brown, your Head of Year, Mr Burton and Senior Link for Y7, Mrs Deakin.
You will be escorted to your new form rooms by your form tutor and will usually spend all of Period 1 with them. They will go through the basics with you and give you your personal timetables. You will also have the chance to ask any questions that you may have.
After you have spent some time with your tutor you will go off to your first lesson of the day. Please do not worry about getting lost. For the first week, your class teacher will collect you from the playground and take you to your lesson.
what happens if I get lost or I am late?
Don't worry! You will soon find your way around the school. There are plenty of older pupils and teachers who can guide you to the right place. If you are late in your first week, your teachers will understand.
what about lunch time?
On the first day, and usually, for the first week or two, you will go to lunch earlier than the rest of the school. This is so you can get used to how the lunch system works. You will have lunch in the main assembly hall. (Biometric payment system via Parentpay)
what if I get lost?
Don’t worry! No one has ever got lost. There are lots of people around to help! Teachers, support staff, office staff, cleaners and students. Please do not worry.