"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
Berthold Auerbach (1812-1882)
Students at Blessed William Howard develop a life-long love of music through a combination of classroom teaching, instrumental tuition and extra-curricular provision. The music curriculum provides every child with an opportunity to perform in-front of a public audience, learn to play a musical instrument (recorder, keyboard and classroom percussion), engage in creative music-making through composition tasks using music technology and listen to music from a range of styles.
Subject staff
Mrs A Helliker - Curriculum Leader
Mrs A Gallatley
Mrs M Anderson (oboe)
Mr D Bradley (cello)
Mr D Hollingshurst & Miss C Shipley (singing and piano)
Mr D Hulme (drum and percussion)
Mr B Murphy (guitar)
Mr J Milgate-Scarrott (flute)
Mr P Owen (electric guitar)
Mrs R Parkes (violin)
Mrs E Askey (brass)
Curriculum Overview
In Year 7 and Year 8 students have one lesson of music each week, covering the three strands of music; performing, composing and appraising. All children in Year 7 are encouraged to perform in-front of a public audience; by leading the annual Carol Service. Throughout the key-stage students improve their keyboard skills aiming to perform a Grade 4 ABRSM standard piece by the end of Year 8. There are opportunities for students to engage with musescore, a music notation piece of software, to compose music in different styles. In Year 9, all students continue to have music lessons through the carousel however students may opt to study music as one of their options, working towards a GCSE music qualification from the Edexcel examination board.
GCSE music builds on work from KS3. Students submit two performances (one as a soloist and one as part of an ensemble) and two original compositions. In preparation for a terminal listening exam, students will study eight set works in detail, which cover a wide range of musical genres from the orchestral music of JS Bach to film music of John Williams. A study of music from around the world, as well as music for the stage and screen, develops a love of contemporary music.
Students may choose to study A-Level music (from the AQA examination board). A-level music is a logical progression from GCSE, bringing composition, performance and listening together in engaging ways whilst also linking music to the world around us.
Specialist instrumental tuition (violin, viola, cello, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, French horn, trombone, tuba, drum kit, piano, keyboard, classical guitar, electric guitar, ukulele and singing) is available to all students. Lessons are subsidised by the school, and the current charge to parents is £250 for the academic year, reduced for students taking GCSE or A level music, and free for Pupil Premium students.
Extra-Curricular music clubs encourage students to work together at a higher level than can be achieved in a classroom situation. Recent ensembles have included orchestra, choir, samba band, guitar ensemble, a steel pans group, a senior rock band, a junior rock band, a music liturgy group, a Grade 5 Music Theory class and a school production team. There are no auditions for any ensembles and students from beginner standard to Grade 8 standard can join and work together culminating in several public performances throughout the year.
Revision Materials
Useful Links
Musescore (a link to musescore3 so that students can download this piece of software at home if they wish to do so)
Teaching Gadget (a link to Teaching Gadget for KS3 Homework)
- GCSE Specification
- A-Level Specification