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Character Education Overview

As a Catholic school, we strongly value the development of the whole child. We know that good examination results are important for future success. However, we strive to provide a fully rounded education where our children become great citizens who can function effectively in life in modern Britain.

Spiritual Development

The spiritual development of our pupils is at the heart of all that we do as a Catholic school. Our Mission Statement is to develop a Love of God, Love of People, Love of Learning and Love of Life. Pupils and Staff regardless of their particular religious faith, are encouraged to foster their relationship with God and to develop their spiritual life with a genuine spirit of freedom and commitment. This enables them to be enriched as human beings and to be excellent persons in every sense of the word

You can see further details regarding the Catholic Life of our school here:

The Catholic Life of our School (About Us menu tab)

Mission & Ethos (About Us menu tab)

Catholic Social Teaching at BWH (About Us menu tab) 

The Painsley MAC Vision (About Us menu tab)

Character Education

Since 2022 BWH and our wider Painsley Catholic MAC, have been embedding Character Education.

Our Catholics Ethos, alongside the explicit teaching of PHSE, Citizenship and Careers and our extracurricular offering aims to:

  • Develop pupils’ character. including their confidence, independence and resilience.
  • Broaden our pupils’ horizons with new opportunities and enriching experiences.
  • Enable pupils to develop and discover their interests and God given talents.
  • Prepare pupils to be active citizens who contribute positively to society, including appreciation of the British Values.
  • Prepare them for their adult lives.
  • Strengthen pupils’ sense of belonging within our school community and the wider world.
  • Develop social skills - working alongside pupils from other year groups and within the local community.

Please see the individual pages in the Personal Development tab for further details.